Ronda Felton performs a heartfelt song in front of the American Idol judges.
When the judges questioned about her history, she couldn’t hold back her tears. Ronda uses singing to help her cope with her terrible circumstances.
Her family consists of her mother and herself, and they have all experienced homelessness, poverty, and the constant search for a safe place to sleep.
Felton is the age of nineteen. She was born in Milwaukee but now calls Arizona home. Ronda has gone a long way, and she’s only beginning.
Music assisted her and her mother in coping with life. Their favorite tune to listen to together is The Commodores’ “Zoom.”
«I feel myself extremely privileged to be here with you all. It means the world to me.
As Felton prepared for her performance, Lionel handed her his black handkerchief.
When the time came to reveal her audition music, Ronda chose Dream Girls’ “One Night Only.”
Ronda, 19, demonstrated her singing abilities on a single piano. She understood she had a chance when she stood on the Idol logo. She also sang well.
Lionel had to wipe away tears after hearing Ronda’s singing.
Elijah Allen continued,
«I went to school with Ronda and saw her play live; she is deserving of this.»
Let us take his word for it.
The room is silent, not just because of Ronda’s singing but also because of her life narrative.
As Ronda sang all her soul, the judges’ respect and astonishment spilled.
Lionel was the first to speak up after her audition.
«I was doing fantastically well until you walked in and accomplished something no one else had done tonight: you moved me to tears.»
He stated.
«Every now and again, life happens and you think, ‘How am I going to get out of this situation?’» And God creates a gap in the wall. Just a crack, because every other crack has always existed. However, the crack is just large enough to get you through. And you, my dear, have only recently discovered that crack. Because that was a watershed moment in your life.
Katy then calculated it.
You don’t have to be a powerful individual. All you have to do is be Ronda. That should get you all the way.
Luke stated the following:
«That was a tremendous performance, but I suspect it wasn’t your best yet.»
Ronda’s experience teaches that there is always reason to be optimistic. She demonstrates that our history is not the end of the narrative and that chance can come to any of us if we allow it.