On ultrasound, the mother was astonished to see her late father kissing her unborn kid.

Miracles appear to happen practically daily to me, although they are not always recognized as such. Because life is full of secrets all around us — a glass of water, a beam of sunshine, a leaf, a caterpillar, a flower, laughing, rains, or even an ultrasound imaging detail.

The mother was astounded to witness her late father kissing her newborn child during an ultrasound.

Shantel Carrillo, 30, felt she was the only one who noticed it at first, but when she showed it to her friends and family, they couldn’t help but notice it as well.

«As soon as I posted the picture, someone wrote, ‘There’s an angel kissing your baby,’» she explained.

Shantel believes her late father, Chuck, kisses her daughter in the ultrasound photographs.

«He has his nose, large cheeks, and a tiny double chin, and my father always wears a hat. Shantel described his lips as “exactly touching her.”

Shantel shared the photo, along with one of her father and eldest daughter, on social media. Shantel said her father was overjoyed to be a part of his granddaughters’ lives.

She added that what may be seen on an ultrasound could be her placenta, but Shantel is still proud and happy with the photos, and she thinks they add another dimension to her pregnancy.

Her daughter is due to be born in April — the same month her father was born. Still a coincidence or not?

We don’t know what to believe, but it seems that Shantel’s father is guarding his granddaughter, and we must say that the ultrasound figure is very similar to a human figure. What do you think?

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On ultrasound, the mother was astonished to see her late father kissing her unborn kid.
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