Talent competitions like “Got Talent” and “X Factor” have been popular for a time. These programs led to a little bit of a talent show overflow, so it was difficult to come up with a fresh look that had a little more edge. There would be some significant changes made to this new show that would make it unique from the others.
The program is known as “The Voice.” This show was distinctive since the performers were not interviewed before they took the stage. The judges’ inability to see the competitor until they had clicked a button on their chair to indicate that they wanted him or her to be on their team was another significant distinction.
The individuals who attended the auditions would be divided into teams, and the judges would compete week after week to determine whose team had the strongest lineup. Contestants would compete against one another in the final round to find “The Voice.”
Numerous contestants have attempted extremely difficult songs since the debut of this show in an effort to be chosen. The participant in the video below is one of them. The crowd anticipates either a hit or a dud when a contestant chooses a Dolly Parton song (famously performed by Whitney Houston).
Romy Monteiro, a young girl, not only astounds the judges and audience, but she also gives one of the most enduring performances on the show thus far!