This is a truly unique family! Have you ever wondered what happens when a pair of identical twins falls in love with another pair of identical twins? What if they’re both parents? Will they be regarded as cousins or sisters? Don’t you think a little of both? Brittany and Briana, 35, decided to attend the Twins Days Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio, last year.
They had a good time and met other twins. Then they saw Josh and Jeremy Salyers, 37, at the festival and thought they were stunning. Josh soon fell in love with Brittany, and Jeremy with Briana. This is not something you see every day. They also admitted to being close and enjoying their hobbies as siblings.
A year later, the Salyers twins proposed to two beautiful sisters, and they married on August 5, 2018. Two lovely couples have decided to share a house in Virginia. They frequently uploaded photos to their Instagram account. Two couples dress in the same clothes, making it difficult to tell who is who.